Software quality control

The purpose of software development always is creation of high-quality appendixes. But what does mean a term «high-quality»? Quality is the subjective impression of users of ends of application about tom, as far as full this application satisfies their necessities. This impression consists of opinion of users in relation to functionality, comfort of the use, reliability, productivity, scaled of applications and row of other descriptions. To satisfy the necessities of users, companies-developers must look after about quality of the application from the beginning of development – differently time will work against successful completion of project.

Providing of quality of applications requires a complete return ot every participant of project and fulfiling collective commitments. For providing of quality realization of iterative development process, and also use of tools, which will help the participants of development to automatize those aspects of the work, which are subject to the origin of errors, is needed, allowing the same to attract attention on creative tasks. A testing group carries the special responsibility, as exactly she is responsible for the search of errors and different high-quality failings (functional, in the comfort of the use, etc.), caused failures to complete the application. IBM Rational satisfies the transferred necessities, offering the kit of instrumental resources, entering in the complement of complex module platform of IBM Software Development Platform (PDF 427 KB), intended for the teams of developments, creating bisiness-applications, embedded systems and products of software.